Walking Tour

The Story of Hubbard

Walking Tour

Many of the structures pictured on the cover and throughout this book can be viewed today. To assist you in location these buildings, the following walking tour has been developed.

City of Hubbard Map 3

These homes and buildings (in black on the map) you'll find today, many of them beautifully restored.

  1. St. Agnes Catholic Church
  2. The Hubbard Community Church
  3. W.S. Buchanon House
  4. Dr. Edward Schoor House
  5. Pythian Building
  6. Hubbard Drug Store Building
  7. Hubbard State Bank Building
  8. G.W. Knight House
  9. L.M. Scholl House
  10. G.W. Spaight House
  11. J.L. Calvert House
  12. C.M. Crittenden House
  13. W.S. Hurst House
  14. Dr. S.W. Weaver House
  15. City Hall

Alphabetically located structures in gold are gone, but not forgotten.

A. Livery and sales stables
B. I.O.O.F. Hall
C. Fry and Scholl Hardware
D. Knight and Susbauer
E. Dr. E. Schoor's Hospital and  telephone office
F. The Commercial Hotel
    Hubbard Investment Co.