Author's Note

The Story of Hubbard

Author's Note

     The history of any community, it seems to me, is the story of continuous change. Documents provide an outline for the unfolding story, giving shape to the past. Memories or individual perceptions of actual events are the heart and soul of historical evolution, filling the shape with warmth and depth.

     When I set out to learn all I could about the City of Hubbard and the changes which have occurred over the past one hundred years, I planned to go through records at City Hall. Next I planned to talk to a few old-time or long-time residents, and finally, write a narrative. One person led me to another. By the end of the project, I had interviewed 36 current or former residents of Hubbard. I found each person's story added to the character, texture and fullness of community history. I also found that aI could not improve each storyteller's words. Therefore, excerpts of interviews have been edited only to fit space limitations. Syntax is intact. Letters have also b been edited to fit space limitations. Spelling is unaltered. Ellipses indicate omissions.

     Each one of the following persons welcomed me into her or his home. Many offered meals along with photographs, old newspapers, gallons of coffee and immeasurable support. I cherish the memories of time spent with these people who so willingly shared a portion of their lives with me: Agatha Voget Andrus, Lester Barrett, Helen Knight Beaver, Bob Benck, Leonard Bizon, Dixie and Robert Brandt, Frances Leffler Byers, Manton Carl, Roy Claypool, Marie deLespinasse Covey, Ivan deArmond, Franklin deLespinasse, Joe Dryden, Leona Hubbard Erland, Mary Sue Evers, Frank Fobert, Hazel Claypool Friend, Virgil Peace Hostetler, Howard and Mary Jones, Roy Kenagy, Beverly Jory Koutny, Ron LaFollette, Louis Mishler, Edwin Pardey, Sadie Rich, Juan and Barbarita Ruiz, Lenore Scholl, Edward Schoor, Mildred Schoor, Alice Shrader, Ed Voget, and Vera Kocher Yoder.

     I am greatly indebted to Velma Scholl. Without her willingness to share her memories, her vast collection of books, newspapers, photographs, diaries, letters and mementos, this history would have been skeletal. Thank you Velma.

     C. Bruce Forster, photographer, opened his studio to us and contributed photograph copying and photo collages. M. Lisa Currier for the black and white prints.

     Thanks to Kelly Sievers for being a careful reader and persistent friend.

     Grateful thanks to Judy Spence for proofreading and editorial comment.

     Many, many thanks to Melvin Ulven , for professional design and affectionate, everlasting encouragement.

     Linda Watson of Pacific Printing graciously provided typesetting. Thank you Linda.

Leslie Carol Ulven