Emergency Planning

Emergency Management Image


It is going to get extremely hot this weekend. Temperatures are expected to reach 100 degrees or higher July 5th – 7th. 

Extremely hot weather can result in heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, sunburn, heat rash, and in some instances death. Please take safety measures to stay safe and lend a helping hand to family, friends, and neighbors. If you know of a vulnerable person without air conditioning, such as an elderly or infirm neighbor, please help them get to an air-conditioned space between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. 

If you or your family member/neighbor need to find a cool place to be between the hours identified please contact the dispatch non-emergency line at 503-982-2340 and they will have someone get in contact with you to get you to a cooling center location, which will be either the Hubbard Fire District Fire Hall or the Hubbard City Hall. 

If you see someone on the street who may be having a life-threatening reaction to the heat, please call 911. Thank you for doing your part to keep people safe during a heat crisis.

Welcome to the City of Hubbard Public Works Emergency Planning Page

Knowing what to do in the event of an emergency is your best protection and is your responsibility!!! Stay in the know of what's going on and SIGN UP for Emergency Alerts in your area!

Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning, and can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services - water, gas, electricity and telephones - were cut off???  Local officials and relief workers will be on a scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach every one right away. Wondering what emergency responder's first action will be following a major disaster, such as an earthquake.  READ MORE to find out! 

You can cope with a disaster by preparing in advance and by working with your family as a team.  Get informed; make a plan; assemble a kit; and maintain your plan and kit! READ MORE on suggested items to include in your kit.  Visit READY.GOV to find more information on preparing yourself and your family!  You are only as prepared as your least-prepared neighbor - so check in with your neighbors to see what they are doing to prepare, and how you can help each other when the worst happens!

Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Underway

The City of Hubbard is partnering with the Department of Land Conservation and Development, Marion County and other agencies to complete a Hazard Mitigation Plan update. This project is mandatory in order to keep agencies eligible to receive certain types of funds to assist following disasters. Check out Marion County Emergency Management's Information Page about this important planning process!! Share your thoughts and concerns by participating in a short survey.

WATER is an absolute necessity for everyone!  Stocking water reserves should be a top priority.  Drinking water in emergency situations should not have to be rationed - therefore it is CRITICAL to store adequate amounts of water for your household!  Don't forget your pet's needs for water - make sure to include them in your planning efforts!  READ MORE about how to purify water in emergency situations. 

SANITATION in the midst of a disaster - what if you don't have running water for your bathroom? READ MORE on how to create your own portable toilet!

GOT KIDS? Young children play an important role in your emergency planning also!  READ MORE for ideas to help your children understand what to do and how to be prepared for emergencies if and when they happen!

THE REALLY BIG ONE - what's that you say?  READ MORE to find out!  PLUS read the follow-up article HOW TO STAY SAFE WHEN THE BIG ONE COMES

Cascadia subduction Zone Earthquake & tsunami
