Streets and Transportation System

Welcome to the city of hubbard public works streets and transportation page

The City of Hubbard's Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 63,940 feet (12.11 miles) of streets within the City of Hubbard. We have the equipment to fix "potholes" from normal wear & tear, although large street maintenance jobs are contracted out. We also maintain the majority of the paint striping, which is done routinely once a year around the HOP Festival time in July, and as needed throughout the rest of the year.

Street Sweeping: We have a contract with Great Western Sweeping Company to sweep and clean the City's curbed streets every third Thursday of the month.

Per City Ordinance, maintenance of City right-of-ways is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner.

When freezing rain and/or snow hits Hubbard, we are able to obtain sand to be spread on our City streets from Marion County.

Working in the Right-of-Way?  Don't forget to complete a Right-of-Way Application and submit it to Hubbard Public Works prior to beginning your work!  If your work involves digging - CALL 811 before you get your shovel out.  This is a FREE service notification to all underground utilities in your area, who will come out and mark the area you are going to be digging in so you will not accidently dig up or cut into existing  utilities.

Sidewalks in Hubbard:  Did you know that per the Municipal Code, property owners are responsible for the maintenance of the sidewalks abutting their property.  Is your sidewalk in need of some TLC?  Contact Public Works at 503-982-9429 or molinger [at] if you would like to learn more about the City's sidewalk program. 

Street Trees:  Property owners are also responsible for the care and maintenance of any street trees abutting their property. Check out the CODE under Title 8 for guidance.